Green Party Candidates
Every Green candidate running for elected office in the United States who seeks the endorsement of the National Lavender Green Caucus fills out our questionnaire and emails it to us. We send the completed questionnaire to the Caucus to discuss and decide if they wish to endorse the candidate.
The candidate(s) listed below have earned the endorsement of the National Lavender Green Caucus for 2022:
Michelle Louise Bicking
Michelle is running an anti-establishment, anti-fascist, anti-imperialist worker-lead campaign founded on universal themes of social justice, human rights, peace and the dignity of all persons to live and thrive in Connecticut. We recognize that the future of Connecticut is multilingual, multi-ethnic and intergenerational. It is through our differences that we build a beloved community where everyone is welcomed for who they are/wish to be. We align with social movements, associations, community groups and political parties that are centered in preserving the public good and combating white supremacy, willful ignorance, and structural inequities in all its forms and manifestations.
We are pro-union, anti-racist, pro-choice/pro-bodily autonomy, anti-death penalty, pro-equitable rights for LGBTQIA & Two Spirit et al. individuals and families, including the right to carry and foster/adopt children. We support universal health care and universal education for all; legalization, decriminalization and regulation of all cannabis products, including homegrown marijuana and industrial hemp; conservation of open space in perpetuity; and promotion and support of sanctuary communities for asylum seekers and refugees.
Our other stances/positions include but are not limited to:
- Investment in local and regional mass transit by rail
- Investment in public banking
- Ending cash bail
- Mail-in ballots and ranked choice voting
- Ending education funding through property taxes
- Creation/preservation of more preserves, reserves and wildlife habitats
- Electric train car manufacturing in state
- Converting blighted properties and abandoned lots into low-income housing and state parks
- Eradicating dependence on gas-powered cars and vans in state fleet
- Promotion of regenerative agriculture/carbon sequestration
- Investment in community-based restorative justices initiatives
- Diverting resources to underfunded school, initiatives and programming for children, youth and young adults.
You can find Michelle and The Room At The Table campaign online at:
Email: [email protected]
Christina DiGiulio
Christina is an avid lover of nature, an active member of the LGBTQ+ community since 1994, a water protector and a Pennsylvania resident living on unceded Lenne Lenape land near Marsh Creek Lake, Chester County, PA. Christina has a BS in Biology-Chemistry and is a research scientist/analytical chemist. She formerly has been employed by Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Research (ORISE) , United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), United States Center for Health Promotion and Preventative Medicine (USACHPPM), a contractor with the The Naval Research Lab (NRL), and Night Vision Electronic Sensor Directorate (NVESD) under RDECOM (retired). Since her retirement, she has developed a community watchdog system. As a water protector, she understands the simple scientific truth that “Water is Life.” She documents and learns the behaviors of the industry, educates her community, trains others, and advocates for the health and safety of residents who are being harmed by the resource extraction industry.
My campaign is representative of an alternative to the two-party system that governs based on the the will of a few while ignoring the needs of the many. I want to advance the restructuring of our social, political and economic institutions away from a system which is controlled by and mostly benefits a powerful few. I want to create a government that is democratic and represents the many people of the Commonwealth. I am running for Governor of Pennsylvania because I understand the power of disrupting, to push the bar where it needs to go. There is no compromise when it comes protecting the health and safety of the people. As a scientist, I am aware that science does not care about opinions, especially of those who refuse to live by the laws of nature. A just equitable transition to a sustainable future for ALL is possible, when we accept no less.
Christina co-founded Upper Residents for Safety, the Better Path Coalition, and recently co-founded a regional Watchdog group to help document the harms of the petrochemical and fracking industry. Over the last 5 years she has been actively opposed to Energy Transfer, specifically, the Mariner East pipelines or the Pennsylvania Pipeline Project which has harmed the water in her community.
You can find Christina and her campaign online at:
Blaizen Buckshot Bloom
Blaizen is running for the Chesapeake (Virginia) Board of Education. Bloom is a 2021 graduate of the Chesapeake public school system and was motivated to run because of the failures of the current School Board to implement evidence-based health safety measures and protect the rights of LGBTQ+ students. Bloom currently attends Old Dominion University where they study Ocean and Earth Sciences with the goal of helping preserve our natural environment for generations to come.
Their policy priorities include: democratizing processes to ensure there is more cooperation between the students, families, staff, and community with school and city administrators; providing more resources in the schools to ensure that students and their families have the support, resources, and knowledge needed to support mental wellbeing; addressing the shortage of qualified teachers by lessening the stress of the workplace, as well as policies that reward teachers and provide opportunities for advancement and higher education; and, creating a student disciplinary system that focuses on prevention by establishing measure that teach students how to de-escalate and problem solve.
You can find Blaizen and their campaign online at:
Facebook: @BlaizenBuckshotBloom
Instagram: @BlaizenBuckshotBloom
TikTok: @BlaizenBuckshotBloom