info sheet

triangle pointed down with small triangles within of shades of lavender color on the left half and shades of green on the right half

Green Party of the United States

Getting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,
Queer Intersex, Asexual Justice & Equality Right

“There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because
we do not live single-issue lives.” -Audre Lord
rainbow color ribbon red blends to violet left to right
Equal Rights
Lavender Greens are committed to the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people to civil marriage and benefits, child custody, immigration rights, education, as well as the end to all anti-gay discrimination in the military.

Economic Justice
Lavender Greens advocate for equal access to affordable housing, living wages, progressive taxation, unrestricted bargaining rights for workers’ and their unions, just welfare reforms, and “ending too big to fail.” We also call for a “people’s bail out”: a moratorium on housing foreclosures and student loan forgiveness. We support laws that end workplace discrimination based on sexuality, HIV status, race, class, disability, or religious affiliation.

Civil Liberties
Lavender Greens reject any restriction of human rights, citizenship, or privacy because of HIV status, sexuality, race, class, disability, or religious affiliation. We oppose racial profiling and all forms of institutionalized prejudicial practices, which are contrary to racial justice, and therefore an obstruction to justice to all LGBTQIA people. Lavender Greens uphold the right of dissent, freedom of expression and assembly, and all other basic constitutional rights and protections. We therefore oppose the Patriot Act, unwarranted surveillance, and all other infringements on civil liberties.

Health Care
Lavender Greens demand national healthcare insurance under a single-payer system where every resident is covered regardless of income, age, residence, prior medical condition, or immigration status. We support federal funding for needle exchanges and other harm reduction programs which reduce rates of HIV infection and drug dependency. We oppose the racially-biased “War on Drugs,” support the use of medical marijuana as well as the distribution of patent-breaking, low-cost AIDS drugs by governments.

Lavender Greens support proportional representation, instant run-off voting, public campaign financing and other reforms that increase the access of third party and independent candidates to the procedures, public forums, debates, and other practices when running for political office. We call for a constitutional amendment abolishing corporate personhood.

Reproductive Rights
Lavender Greens uphold the reproductive rights of women, including the right to safely terminate the pregnancy, as well as protections so as to be free from harassment, violence, coercion, or other punitive measures for exercising such rights. We reject distinctions in rape—legal or otherwise.

IF YOU SUPPORT full human rights and equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex people and the need for a political party that demands social and economic justice, nonviolence, a healthy environment, and expansion of our democracy, REGISTER Green! VOTE Green! JOIN the Lavender Greens!

To join the Lavender Green Caucus, please visit our website: